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(949) 592-0165


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4000 Barranca Parkway
Suite 250 PMB #782
Irvine, CA 92604

Blighted Riverside County Property is Now Safe for Community


A single-family residence with long standing violations and complaints had been a blight to the Riverside County community. Over time, this property accumulated an excessive outdoor storage of junk, trash, and debris. Not only is this residence an eyesore to neighbors and visitors, but it presented them with hygiene and safety hazards. Due the buildup of trash, unsanitary conditions, such as rodent and bug infestation, could seep into proximal neighbors.


The County made repeated code enforcement efforts to gain voluntary compliance through inspections, notices, and citations. Unfortunately, none of these efforts resulted in significant change or success. The County then contacted Civica Law to assist with quickly bringing the property up to code. Since all efforts were exhausted trying to gain voluntary compliance, we were compelled to issue an abatement warrant to resolve these violations for the surrounding community.


After obtaining a warrant to remove the trash, storage, and debris, we got to work right away. The results of our involvement brought this Riverside County property in compliance with municipal codes and prevented any additional safety or unsanitary issues for its neighbors.


Civica Law is proud to serve its community and be a driving factor in the success of counties and cities’ public safety. We gain compliance quickly and efficiently. If your public agency needs help with a dilapidated property like this one, contact us online or call us today!

About the Author

  • celinazambranoauthor

    Celina Zambrano earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Public Relations from California State University of Long Beach. Mrs. Zambrano brings 8 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising, and other public relations. Celina has years of experience working with public agencies and is excited and determined to grow Civica Law Group, APC towards being the number one municipal law firm in the nation.

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