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4000 Barranca Parkway
Suite 250 PMB #782
Irvine, CA 92604

Zoning Violations Removed from Lake Elsinore Lot

Zoning Violations Removed from Lake Elsinore Lot

What used to be a dangerous site for the community in Lake Elsinore has become safe and in compliance with municipal codes and ordinances. Improper storage of inoperable vehicles and accompanying land use violations are visual blights and eyesores that pose health and safety risks associated with leaking fluids and chemicals, and affect property values.


Our legal team has a proactive approach to gaining compliance to save the City and its taxpayers time and money. However, after Civica Law posted several violation notifications to the property owners without voluntary compliance, the City was forced to abate the violations. After exhausting very avenue, City code enforcement officers, Riverside County Sheriffs, and City contractor removed copious amounts of trash and debris along with two inoperable vehicles and an improperly stored RV.


Civica Law is proud to serve over 40 California cities and counties with all areas of municipal law. Our skilled attorneys and paralegals are ready to solve any public safety legal issue!

About the Author

  • celinazambranoauthor

    Celina Zambrano earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Public Relations from California State University of Long Beach. Mrs. Zambrano brings 8 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising, and other public relations. Celina has years of experience working with public agencies and is excited and determined to grow Civica Law Group, APC towards being the number one municipal law firm in the nation.

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