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Irvine, CA 92604

Rotting and Dilapidated Chino Property is Demolished

An extremely dilapidated and manifestly unsafe residence in the City of Chino had been the focus of code enforcement efforts for years and an attractive nuisance to its neighbors. This property was rapidly deteriorating with rotting walls, ceilings, floors, and doors with cracks, holes, and other life-threatening structural-collapse risks. This Chino property proved uninhabitable due to its dangerous electrical wiring, fire danger and disease risks, and large furniture blocking emergency exits, which prevented first responders from efficiently remediating emergencies.


Not only was this property suffering profound exterior and interior substandard maintenance and accumulation of junk, trash, debris, dust, cobwebs, mold, and cat/rodent feces, it was known that 13 cats were living inside the residence. Neighbors claimed to smell a strong odor of urine from outside the property on the sidewalk. This is a serious public health issue to property visitors and its neighbors. This Chino residence was attracting crime and drugs due to the lack of regular maintenance. This can significantly reduce the surrounding property values and pose substantial danger to the health and safety of innocent neighbors.


Civica Law was requested to seek compliance from the property owners via a nuisance abatement. To avoid court action, code enforcement attorneys at Civica Law worked with the City to first seek the abatement of crime and rehabilitation of the property. The property owners sold the residence to responsible buyers who entered a compliance agreement with a quick timeline of its rehabilitation. Within months of the agreement, the property was demolished and is now brought up to code and complies with local, state, and federal laws. Full cost recovery was obtained by the City, saving valuable time and taxpayers’ money.

“Civica Law successfully addressed hazardous conditions in Chino through cooperation with the city and property owner, resulting in the sale and demolition of the property to eliminate safety risks and improve community well-being. Their commitment is to assist public agencies in creating safe and thriving communities.”

Matt Trujillo

Attorney, Civica Law Group, APC

Civica Law is proud to assist in keeping our neighborhoods healthy and building stronger, safer communities. The experienced municipal law attorneys at Civica Law assist over 40 cities and counties with their dilapidated properties and abandoned buildings. Contact Civica Law now to abate the nuisances in your jurisdiction.

About the Author

  • celinazambranoauthor

    Celina Zambrano earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Public Relations from California State University of Long Beach. Mrs. Zambrano brings 8 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising, and other public relations. Celina has years of experience working with public agencies and is excited and determined to grow Civica Law Group, APC towards being the number one municipal law firm in the nation.

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