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Irvine, CA 92604

Seaside Drug House is Now Safe and Crime-Free

One of the most seriously dangerous drug houses in the City of Seasidea single-family residence located in a quaint cul-de-sacreceived over 300 police calls for service from its neighborhood due to drug use, crimes, and overall, dangerous activities on site. This neighborhood was otherwise a safe community, surrounded by families with small children, schools, churches, and other places of community gatherings.


Neighbors experienced blocked sidewalks and driveways from suspicious vehicles, strangers knocking on their doors middle of the night in search of their “fix, endless nights of interrupted sleep from loud disputes and domestic disturbances.  They even witnessed drug dealings in broad daylight and ambulances take away individuals who overdosed in the front yard. 

The neighbors expressed fear for their safety and more importantly, the safety of their children and elderly residents. Despite the countless efforts by Seaside Police Department, the safety threat continued. This property generated frequent patrols, and as a result, limited and valuable resources were drained.  

The property was also an eyesore, run down by years of neglectThe property owner had passed away, and her adult sons took over and made it into the infamous drug house that it was.  They failed to open a probate matter to take title to the property, despite years of time and the urging of many. 


The City worked with Civica Law, Partner Valerie Escalante Troesh and Attorney Lauren Brown, to ensure the property’s nuisances were abated under the Drug Abatement Act and other nuisance lawsAfter the heirs would not cooperate with a negotiated approach, Civica Law sought and obtained Court orders and injunctions prohibiting their nuisance acts, which they failed to follow.

Ultimately, Civica Law was able to get the Court to appoint a receiver, who took control of the property and turned it around. This proved to be the solution to returning this property – and the neighborhood – to safety. The property was sold to responsible owners and the City obtained cost recovery after the adult sons could not and would not take proper responsibility for the property. 


The neighborhood is quiet again and its residents feel safe. Civica Law is proud to assist in facilitating a sense of security in a community that so desperately needs it. Civica Law’s skilled attorneys have years of experience in receiverships. Let us help you abate a drug house in your jurisdiction today!

About the Authors

  • celinazambranoauthor

    Celina Zambrano earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Public Relations from California State University of Long Beach. Mrs. Zambrano brings 8 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising, and other public relations. Celina has years of experience working with public agencies and is excited and determined to grow Civica Law Group, APC towards being the number one municipal law firm in the nation.

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  • Valerie Escalante-Troesh

    Valerie Escalante Troesh is a partner at Civica Law Group. She is a skilled public entity enforcement attorney working with jurisdictions throughout California to ensure public health and safety for their communities.

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