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City of LA Settles in Vendor Lawsuit and Removes No-Vending Zones

In an update to Community Power Collective lawsuit challenging the City of Los Angeles’ ordinance containing no-vending zones for street vendors. The City of Los Angeles has yet to comment, but the plaintiffs announced that the City will be removing their remaining no-vending restrictions near places such as swap meets, farmers’ markets, schools, and temporary events, cancelling any tickets given to vendors under these restrictions, and start identifying which vendors qualify for refunds of the fines they have already paid. This case will not be decided by the Court.

This article will be updated once we obtain the official terms of the settlement agreement.

Updated on July 25, 2024 at 2 p.m. PST

About the Authors

  • With over 75 collective years of experience, Civica Law has helped cities and counties abate thousands of dangerous and substandard properties, improve housing conditions, and effectively deal with a wide range of quality-of-life issues, from homeless encampments to cannabis, drug, and gang dens to illegal gambling (or tap-tap) facilities, illegal business operations, human trafficking and massage, land use, and zoning, and virtually every other conceivable quality of life and safety issue a public agency may face.

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  • celinazambranoauthor

    Celina Zambrano earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Public Relations from California State University of Long Beach. Mrs. Zambrano brings 8 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising, and other public relations. Celina has years of experience working with public agencies and is excited and determined to grow Civica Law Group, APC towards being the number one municipal law firm in the nation.

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