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Suite 250 PMB #782
Irvine, CA 92604

Palmdale Residence with Criminal Activity is Restored to Safety

A substantially deteriorated property in the city of Palmdale has been a hotspot for crime and transients after the property owner passed. Exteriorly, minor outdoor storage was visible to the public eye, however, inside the residence there was an extensive interior accumulation of animal feces, junk, trash, and debris. Additionally, the residence required plumbing and electrical repair, as well as a falling ceiling in two rooms.


Attorney Matt Trujillo and Partner Valarie Escalante Troesh worked with the executor of the property owner’s estate, the property manager, and a third-party buyer to enter a Compliance Agreement with the City that facilitated the close of escrow, avoided litigation, and reduced costs. The City granted the new property owner time extensions so they can efficiently bring the property to compliance. Shortly thereafter, the City obtained full cost recovery from the buyer and reached full compliance.

“Our team successfully resolved this case involving an abandoned property full of public and safety hazards by cooperatively working with the owner’s estate and buyer pending the sale of the property.  Our cooperation ensured the timely rehabilitation of the property by the buyer, illustrating the benefits of obtaining full compliance without costly litigation”

Matt Trujillo

Attorney, Civica Law Group, APC


Civica Law is proud to serve over 35 cities, counties, and other public agencies with their codes and ordinances. Our experienced attorneys believe in “Service Above Self” and are ready to assist your agency. Contact us to remedy the blighted orphan property in your community.

About the Author

  • celinazambranoauthor

    Celina Zambrano earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Public Relations from California State University of Long Beach. Mrs. Zambrano brings 8 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising, and other public relations. Celina has years of experience working with public agencies and is excited and determined to grow Civica Law Group, APC towards being the number one municipal law firm in the nation.

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